
Driving Under The Influence

Driving Under the Influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI) and other traffic offenses for which one can be sentenced to prison, such as driving with a suspended license, hit and run, fleeing and eluding, etc., are serious criminal offenses in the State of Maryland. These offenses carry not only potential jail time but also large fines and “points” that will be assessed by the Motor Vehicle Administration. Even if you don’t go to jail, a conviction and the resulting points can cause you to lose your privilege to drive and/or face large increases in your insurance premiums. It is therefore imperative that if you find yourself charged with one of these serious offenses that you immediately retain a team of attorneys who handles these types of matters exclusively and on a daily basis.

At Silverman Thompson our criminal traffic trial team is headed up by partner and former prosecutor Brian G. Thompson. Mr. Thompson and the attorneys who work with him have decades of experience handling these types of cases, both as former Assistant State’s Attorneys and as defense lawyers. And unlike many other attorneys who handle DUI cases, Mr. Thompson and his team practice exclusively in the area of criminal and traffic defense. The attorney on our team are in criminal traffic court every day - not in divorce court or handling personal injury cases like many other attorneys who claim to be DUI experts. We will attack the government’s case against you from the moment you were stopped by the police all the way through your arrest and blood alcohol content testing to make sure the police acted legally and treated you fairly.

Were you legally stopped? Did the police conduct the field sobriety tests correctly and was the officer who conducted them properly trained to give them? Were you advised of your Miranda rights before any statement was taken from you? Did the Police Officer have probable cause to arrest you and was the arrest otherwise legal? Was the equipment used by the police to test your blood alcohol content properly maintained and calibrated according to Department of Health and Mental Hygiene guidelines? Were you denied your right to speak to an attorney? These are just a few of the possible defenses that our criminal traffic team will aggressively pursue on your behalf.

Simply put, our attorneys have the experience and expertise to exploit the mistakes that are very often made by the police to your advantage and to otherwise defend you against these serious traffic charges. We know how important your freedom and your privilege to drive are to you and we will aggressively fight to insure that you keep both of them.

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